Tests & analyzes
Functional medicine tests look for imbalances in the body's biochemistry and measure functional disorders in the body's organs and organ systems.
Tests in blood, saliva, hair, urine, feces. Tests outside healthcare!

Hair mineral analysis
Hair sample (about 1 tablespoon for different areas so it is not noticeable) is taken from the neck, close to the scalp.
Do you have problems with fatigue, sweet tooth, stress, low mood, aches, PMS, swollen stomach? These conditions may be due to imbalances in your body. Hair can reveal why you feel the way you do! Hair mineral analysis consists of a tissue biopsy that shows the body's long-term metabolic activity at the cellular level.
A hair mineral analysis can give you important answers about:
The body's mineral and nutritional status
Metabolic type
Your stress levels
Heavy metals and toxicities
Read more here: https://traceelements.com

Vitamin D Test
Fingertip blood test. A confidential dry blood test that is analyzed in a laboratory. The test provides current status and helps to adjust nutritional needs for vitamin D. It is quick and easy to take and the results are summarized with easy-to-understand images.
By taking the test you get insights into your vitamin D levels, you get customized recommendations on how you can maintain or improve your levels. We recommend taking the test every 120 days, to monitor your status and adjust your intake and lifestyle according to the season.
A simple self-test for the analysis of vitamin D levels in fingertip capillary blood. The analysis takes place with a test of dried blood drops (Dried Blood Spot, DBS). A DBS test is scientifically proven to be as accurate as a venous blood test when analyzing vitamin D status. All it takes is one to two drops of fingertip blood on a Whatman® filter paper, and it takes less than a minute to complete. VITAS Analytical Services in Norway will analyze your current vitamin D status and the result is anonymous. The status can vary throughout the year, depending on sun exposure, diet where you live and nutritional supplements. Therefore, the recommended test interval is 120 days. By using your personal test ID, you get in-depth personalized recommendations, based on your vitamin D status, to optimize it.
There are different methods to assess your body's vitamin D levels, and we use best practices to ensure our assay accuracy is superior. A 25-hydroxyvitamin D test is the best way to monitor vitamin D levels because it measures 25(OH)D, also called calcidiol, in the blood. The test reflects all three vitamin D sources; from food, supplements and skin synthesis, and determine if your vitamin D levels are optimal, too high or too low. The normal range for vitamin D is measured as nanograms per milliliter (ng/ml) or nanomoles per liter (nmol/l). Nmol/L is the most common way to show vitamin D status. In the US and a handful of other countries, however, the same levels are measured in ng/ml. When the test results are presented, it is therefore possible to choose which unit of measurement should be displayed.

Fatty acid analysis
Finger blood test; Only 1 in 20 is in balance. Balance with balance vegan algae oil.
The blood test shows the ratio between the essential fatty acids omega-6 and omega-3. Both are essential for vital functions in our bodies. The problem is the imbalance between these fatty acids that has been created due to changes in our diet in recent years. Too much omega-6 in your diet and body creates an imbalance. Too little intake of the important omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA creates an imbalance. With the help of the BalanceTest, you can easily test your fatty acid balance. If you are out of balance, you can easily adjust this through the Balance Products and thus achieve an optimal balance between omega-6 and omega-3.

Hidden food allergy test
ImuPro Complete; hidden food allergy test; (blood test finger)
ImuPro Complete analyzes 270 foods and additives (including the 90 included in ImuPro Basic). Fish, meat, vegetables, fruit, grains and milk and their alternatives, spices, thickeners and preservatives, tea, coffee and wine are analysed.

Labrix; Hormone and neurotransmitter tests
NeuroHormone Complete Plus; (Saliva + Urine)
Serotonin, GABA, Dopamine, Epinephrine, Norepinephrine, Glutamate, Glycine, Histamine, Phenethylamine, Estrone, Estradiol, Estriol, Progesterone, Testosterone, DHEA, Cortisol x 4, Creatinine.

Organic acid
Urine test. Urinary metabolites for energy production, neurotransmitters, B vitamin levels, detoxification, inflammation, fungus, gastrointestinal bacteria.

Amino acid test
Blood test in the finger. Measures amino acids.

Genetic testing
DNA Health/Genetic Testing; swab/saliva, includes:
Lipid metabolism, Methylation, Detoxification, Inflammation, Oxidative stress, Bone health, Insulin sensitivity, Food responsiveness.
Our genetic conditions do not control our destiny, but we can influence how the genes express themselves with the help of the right lifestyle and the right nutrition. By finding out which genetic conditions we carry, we also have the opportunity to do something about the genetic inheritance. DNA analyzes are used in several fields today; genealogical research, penitentiary services, pharmaceutical and biotechnology research. DNA analyzes are also an excellent tool for those who work with nutrition, health, disease prevention to be able to optimize the health of clients. DNA analyzes open the way for doctors and therapists to better tailor a treatment that is more precise and effective.

Self-tests Alpha plus
With a self-test, you can more easily understand and help your health by finding out exactly what you need without having to guess. You perform the test easily and quickly at home and then send it to a certified laboratory. No waiting times, no doctor's visits. You receive an individual report with your personal results and concrete recommendations for measures.
The self-tests Alpha plus offers are:
Amino acid test, D vitamin test, B12 test, intestinal flora test, mineral test, immune defense test.
You will find the self-tests in the "Dietary supplements" menu.
Use this link to place your self-test order:
When you also order food supplements, you can use my code "monica" which gives you20% discount on the supplements. (no discount on self-tests)