Hippocrates Wellness
- Restore, regenerate and reboot your whole body at a 55 acres tropical wellness retreat in West Palm Beach, Florida.
The number one resort globally for health, wellness and longevity -
- Help your body to heal itself on our globally-renowned 'Life transformation program' -
Life Transformation program
We have spent more than six decades structuring the absolute best and most comprehensive, effective and affordable health and wellness program possible. One that incorporates the most powerful and integrative, holistic and alternative healing modalities so that you can say goodbye to the pain and diseases that plague you. You will finally learn how to help yourself.
Brian Clement, Ph.D., L.N., has spearheaded the international progressive health movement for over five decades. He is the Director of the globally renowned Hippocrates Wellness, West Palm Beach, Florida, the world's foremost complementary residential health center. Over the last half-century, he and his team have pioneered clinical research and training in disease prevention using hundreds of thousands of participants who provided volumes of data, giving Clement a privileged insight into the lifestyle required to avert disease, enhance longevity, and maintain vitality. Their findings have provided the basis for Hippocrates' progressive, state-of-the-art treatments and protocols for health maintenance and recovery – the Life Transformation Program. Anna Maria Gahns-Clement, Ph.D., L.N. Is co-Director of Hippocrates Wellness. For more than 40 years, Dr. Anna Maria Clement has been an international leader in the progressive health movement. Prior to coming to the United States to join Hippocrates, Anna Maria was the Director of Sweden’s Brandal Health Center in Stockholm, an internationally recognized and highly regarded center for health recovery. She was also a member of the Natural Health Care Coalition, a government-supported effort to unify the field of complementary health care in her native Sweden.
For over 60 years, Hippocrates Wellness has seen practically every illness and disease afflicting humankind pass through its doors. Our world-leading, compassionate team of experts has educated and guided countless lives to optimal health and wellbeing through our nutritional counseling, rejuvenating therapies, ground-breaking lectures and protocols, life-transforming wellness programs, and the Hippocrates signature nutrient-rich, plant-based organic cuisine.
Whether you want to reverse or prevent ill health or reset and reboot your whole body, Hippocrates Wellness offers the only ethical and sustainable lifestyle and diet that has been clinically researched consistently for over six decades, providing a unique setting to encourage the reversal of premature aging and disease. Alongside humanity's health and wellbeing, we are devoutly committed to the planet's welfare and incorporate this ethos into all we do.
Invest in the life you deserve. Your future self will thank you!
Now is the time to transform your health & wellbeing
Whether you want to reverse or prevent serious health conditions or reset, reboot, and rebalance your body, mind, and spirit, the globally-renowned Hippocrates Wellness Life Transformation Program is the ultimate experience to transform your mental and physical wellbeing at any stage of life.
Located in West Palm Beach, Our 21-day transformative program is home to a qualified team of experts offering decades of experience in nutrition, integrative health, and holistic and Western medicine. Together, we manage scientifically-supported and highly personalized programs and protocols to help people to heal themselves.
Transform with our ground-breaking lectures, one-to-one consultations, comprehensi
ve testing, health data analysis, advanced doctors and certified therapists, organic enzyme-rich, plant-based cuisine, and state-of-the-art technology.
- Hippocrates Ambassador sharing the gift of Health around the World -
Som ambassadör informerar jag dig om livsstilen och programmen på Hippocrates Wellness.
Det unika fantastiska hälsoparadiset i West Palm Beach i Florida!
Här tillåts vi transformera vår hälsa på djupaste nivå! Vi förbättrar hälsan. Vi återdrar sjuk-dom!
Alla terapier vi behöver för läkning finns här.
Jag har själv gjort 3 weeks Life Transformation program där 7 gånger, 7 år i rad.
Första gången var 2013. Då blev jag även ambassadör.
Klicka här för att boka en fri konsultation, eller lämna en intresseanmälan.
Doctor Days
Hippocrates Wellness is Now Hosting Doctors and Professionals from around the globe for a
3-Day Comprehensive Lifestyle & Health Immersion
We are through this program offering a “new phase” in the field of health, one which merges a multi-disciplinary approach to bridge the terrain of complementary healthcare and traditional medicine.
This program is designed to create the deepest impact for the professional within the shortest period of time. We believe, along with Co-Director Brian Clement, that for a professional to experience Hippocrates first hand is imperative. Attendees of the program will see how HHI’s comprehensive approach can positively impact the body’s immune system, aid in disease reversal and overall optimum health.
3-Day Immersion Experience at Hippocrates Wellness (Wednesday-Friday)
Enjoy our daily organic raw cuisine buffet, green drinks & wheatgrass juice
Experience daily health lectures from leading Health experts
Learn How to Bring the Living Foods Lifestyle to Your Patients
Use of Hippocrates extraordinary facilities
Use of Hippocrates 50+ acres of beautiful tropical grounds
Social Events & Networking with Other Caring Doctors
You will Leave Feeling Amazing, Refreshed & Ready to Share Your Finding
*BONUS DAY on Saturday! Enjoy the campus and facilities after the 3-Day Immersion ends. This is a great day to book optional services and treatments!
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